H-8 rope system

H-8 Cable stop at the top for conductor outer width 420mm on aluminum rungs

H-8 Cable stop at the top for conductor outer width 490mm on aluminum rungs

H-8 Cable stop at the top for conductor outer width 520mm on aluminum rungs

H-8 Cable stop at the top for conductor outer width 490mm on galvanised steel rungs

H-8 Rope stop at the top of the building

H-8 Cable stop at the bottom of aluminum rungs incl. rope tensioning unit

H-8 Cable stop at the bottom of galvanized steel rungs incl. rope tensioning unit

H-8 Rope stop at the bottom of the building incl. rope tensioning unit

H-8 Cable guide on aluminum profile

H-8 Cable guide on galvanized steel spokes

Wire rope Ø 8mm

Fall arrester SSL 8-R1
